Daily Archives: November 12, 2020

5 posts


To be successful, here is what students will need:

1.     A device with working audio and video (so Ms. Kluga can hear them when they play and see their posture and finger/stick technique).

2.     Headphones

3.     Power cable


Early this year, Trevor Griffiths (Junior, WE Vice President) came to me with an idea of how our students could continue to create a feeling of community, despite being apart. Using Discord (a social/gaming platform where students can chat via text, voice, and video) Trevor built a site for our band students. Trevor’s goal is “to use the YHS Band Discord to help members connect socially across CB and WE.” Thank you, Trevor, for your time creating the site and for thinking of a creative way to foster a feeling of Band Family among our students.

As a disclaimer, Ms. Kluga felt it was important to let families know that this platform is out there for students, however, she also wants to be clear that the YHS Band Discord is not monitored by her and is not part of our classroom activity. Ms. Kluga encourages you to take a look at the platform with your student to see if it is something that you would endorse.


Below is a list of this week’s sessions. Huge thanks to our awesome upperclassmen leaders for hosting!

Monday – Jazz Trumpet with Michael, Saxophone with Alissa

Tuesday – Low Brass with Colin

Thursday – Clarinet with Sarah

Friday – Trumpet with Michael, Clarinet with Kayla


Have all notes and rhythms for Critical Mass and Africa learned for next rehearsal.

Use the A-ccompany app! It is the best way for you to gain confidence in your part and sound your best! Take one measure at a time and work on it until you are confident, then move on to the next measure…then put a small section of measures together, and so forth until you know the entire tune!

To build muscle memory, small doses of practice each day are more effective than one marathon session per week.

Thursday 11/12 from 2-3pm is our next rehearsal. Practice your music so you are confident in all of the notes and rhythms, then we can have fun putting it together!